![]() It's been a while since I posted, and my poetry mind's been a bit scattered--trying to finish a manuscript, teaching an online class in poetry writing to non-poets mostly, reading for RHINO Poetry, and getting an occasional acceptance or rejection. POSTCARDS More and more I enjoy unique publication opportunities. Like Postcard Poems and Prose Magazine where one's published poem appears as if on a postcard! postcardpoemsandprose.wordpress.com/ Check it out. And one of the editors that I've had contact with is great, so accommodating! More to come. ORIGAMI Then there's Origami Poems, a website that accepts a group of poems, and with acceptance, publishes the mini book online and provides a one sheet file that can be folded into a book when printed. Love this idea, too. Check it out. I once did a workshop with students in a school in Ohio, and they hand-wrote their poems in one of these small foldable books. www.origamipoems.com/ The lovely ediitor's Jan Keough. More to come. ;) YARN This week I'm headed to Colorado, first time there except for changing planes in Denver, to visit my cousin Jane Goepfert Kramer. I've never been to her new "home," Hayden, Colorado, and I'm excited to go. We've been Midwest "girls" our whole lives until she moved west. She's been sending me photos of the neighbors, an assortment of cows in particular. Ginger and Norma, and if we don't know the cow's name, we're just going with Myrtle. Jane's a pastor there for Hayden Congregational United Church of Christ, the "brand" of church we grew up in many years ago. The population of Hayden is around 1500 depending on which census one reads. I'm looking forward to chatter and laughter (because she comes from the teasing side of my family) and a few card games and talking to Norma and meeting some small-town folks and attending her church on Sunday. And leading a much slower life for a few days. The Hayden Public Library has graciously offered to let me do a reading there on Wednesday, July 18, and in the morning, Thanks Jane and Ana Lark. I'll be doing a workshop with third through seventh graders in the morning also. I'm not sure what to expect. Even the smallest town I've ever lived in had thousands and thousands more in residence. Based on the conversation I had with Ana, the head librarian, I'm saying that the modis operandi is open arms! Not a lot of rules. Flexibility about everything. Salad bar provided with the poetry reading. Graciousness. I like it! Less anxiety, more pleasure. Today I learned that someone who runs a factory that makes yarn LOVES poetry, and she wants to know if I'd be interested in having another book-signing at her factory. What opportunity for doing that is there in Chicagoland! And having it be arranged pnly days before my arrival. Stay tuned. To be continued . . . I'll let you know about Myrtle, what she has to confide to this city-folk.
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March 2021
The Revival Tour
Poet Bloggers 2018 Kelli Russell Agodon- http://ofkells.blogspot.com/ Donna Vorreyer – https://djvorreyer.wordpress.com Beth Adams – http://www.cassandrapages.com Sandra Beasley – http://sbeasley.blogspot.com Carolee Bennett – https://gooduniversenextdoor.com/ Mary Biddinger – wordcage.blogspot.com/ Andrea Blythe – http://www.andreablythe.com Dave Bonta – http://vianegativa.us Jim Brock -- http://picturesthatgotsmall.blogspot.com James Brush http://coyotemercury.com Angela T Carr https://angelatcarr.wordpress.com/ Grant Clauser http://www.uniambic.com Kevin Connor – https://ordinaryaveragethoughts.wordpress.com/ Jared Conti – http://www.theoracularbeard.com Jill Crammond https://jillypoet.wordpress.com/ Jenelle D’Alessandro – http://www.borderandgreetme.com Laura E. Davis – http://www.dearouterspace.com/ Kate Debolt – http://www.katedebolt.net/blog/ Heather Derr-Smith – ferhext.com/ Risa Denenberg – https://risadenenberg.weebly.com/blog Cynthia Schwartzberg Edlow http://cschwartzbergedlow.blogspot.com Andrew Eickstead http://www.unleashingthewordhoard.com Lou Faber – https://anoldwriter.com Jeannine Hall Gailey – webbish6.com Gail Goepfert –In the Mix gailgoepfert..com/blog Erica Goss http://ericagoss.com Sarah Kain Gutowski – mimsyandoutgrabe.blogspot.com Erin Hollowell – http://www.beingpoetry.net . T Trish Hopkinson https://trishhopkinson.com/ Jennifer Hudgens https://jenniferelhudgens.wordpress.com Catherine Hume : https://catherinehume.wordpress.com/ Crystal Ignatowski – http://somehiatus.tumblr.com/ Charles Jensen – https://charles-jensen.com/kinemapoetics-blog/ JJS https://thisembodiedcondition.wordpress.com Jill McCabe Johnson http://jillmccabejohnson.com/blog-chanson-daventure.html Collin Kelley http://www.collinkelley.blogspot.com Kathleen Kirk https://kathleenkirkpoetry.blogspot.com/ Anita Olivia Koester https://www.forkandpage.com/ Lakshmi – thiswinterheart.tumblr.com Courtney LeBlanc – wordperv.com Lorena P Matejowsky https://nothingbutblueskies.wordpress.com/ Marilyn McCabe O Write.MarilynonaRoll.wordpress.com Ann Michael – www.annemichael.wordpress.com Amy Miller – http://writers-island.blogspot.com/ James Moore – jameswmoore.wordpress.com LouAnn Sheperd Muhm – https://louannmuhm.com/ January Gill O’Neill – http://poetmom.blogspot.com Shawnte Orion http://batteredhive.blogspot.com/ Ren Powell http://renpowell.com/blog/ Bethany Reid http://www.bethanyareid.com/ Susan Rich – http://thealchemistskitchen.blogspot.com . Lee Ann Roripaugh https://runningbrush.wordpress.com/ Sarah Russell – https://sarahrussellpoetry.net Martha Silano : http://bluepositive.blogspot.com/ Kim Bailey Spradlin – www.kimbaileydeal.net Bonnie Staiger –https://bonniestaiger.com/ Rosemary Starace https://thresholdview.wordpress.com/ Hannah Stephenson – http://thestorialist.com Stephanie Lane Sutton athenasleepsin.wordpress.com Christine Swint – https://balancedonedge.blog/ Dylan Tweney – http://dylan20.tumblr.com/ Michael Allyn Wells: http://stickpoetsuperhero.blogspot.com/ Allyson Whipple http://allysonmwhipple.com |